About us
There are two of us, Pam and Peter Keevil.
We live near Stroud in the county of Gloucestershire.
The books we publish are all about how to build a new life.
Our non fiction writing is about finding happiness, motivational books about how to be happy. They focus on self development and themes such as mindfulness, understanding people, how to have strong relationships and goal setting.
They are suportive of the Action for Happiness movement.
Pam’s fiction work involves romantic comedy and crime thriller books. They all tell a strong, compelling story which intrigues and grips the reader from start to finish, as well as being motivational books and uplifting books about fresh starts and personal empowerment.
Her first novel “Virgin at Fifty” is a poignant and funny feelgood novel, published by Black Pear Press in 2018. Her next novel “Wild Girls” is soon to be published…
She has several other inspirational books in the pipeline, so watch this space and sign up for our Peverel Press Newsletter for further details