Non Fiction

Finding Happiness after Covid -19
This book contains a wealth of ideas, tools and techniques which we can all use to increase our happiness and well being in life, especially important after the prolonged and painful COVID-19 experience we have just lived through. An essential read for folks who are interested in resuming a full and happy life after the experiences of Covid-19
In this book, we explore eight tools in the Happiness Toolkit. Covid-19 has shown us that when humanity is united in a common cause, rapid change is possible. As the initial crisis subsides, we might want to ask ourselves whether we want to return to the old normal, or whether we want to return to a new and better normal.
As Covid-19 stirs our compassion, more and more of us realise that we don’t want to go back to a normal so sorely lacking in compassion and fairness. We now have the opportunity to forge a new and more compassionate normal. There is a very long tradition in human culture of internal wealth, ie how to be good human being, how to have great relationships with other humans and with the planet.
This book brings together some of the best insights, tools and techniques about how to live a great life and how to be happy. To bring happiness to oneself; happiness to others; and happiness to the planet.
Let’s make more use of all this wisdom to create a new and better normal where our happiness is not created to the detriment of other people and the planet on which we all depend.